Batman: Arkham Shadow
A story-rich masterpiece with perfectly build to tell the wonderful story in fully immersive way, stunning combat scenes and great enviornments
Almost any VR application might be launched in different modes (some of them, mostily available on STEAM allow you to chose a mode you want to run it. If you have flagship GPU and high-spec configuration, it is not that important in most cases, but for middle and low configurations devices you might face performance problems while running apps in non-native mode. For Oculus devices it is always recommended to launch them in Oculus SDK mode. Some apps (like STEAM version of Beat Saber) need to be configured with additional launch arguments to get working in Oculus SDK mode. Even if app doesn't have Native Oculus SDK mode, you can use OpenComposite to improve performance instead of launching it in SteamVR mode (with slower performance). Anyway there are exceptions of apps, that do not support Oculus SDK nor OpenSDK.
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerThere is no specific answer on this question. If you own PC VR Oculus headset, it makes more sense to buy products in Oculus Store due those 2 reasons: 1. Some of them support Cross-buy with Quest platform, so if you own a Quest in a future, you'll automatically be able to play cross-buy games from your library on Quest without PC 2. Games from Oculus store usually pass more serious testing and pre-release analysis. There is a chance that STEAM version of the game won't have Oculus SDK mode and will be working with glitches, but when you buy the same game from Oculus Store, you'll get a OculusSDK-powered version of game with much better performance (such an example is story-rich game Wanderer). We usually add information about game's performance in our reviews so you could find this information for almost all PC VR games we review.
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerYes, you can improve the pureless of dark colors if you use Oculus PC VR headset. Use this small utility by running it and selecting "Set Full Range" button. After that restart your computer and as a result the range of dark colors on your headset would be extended. You don't need to launch that utility anymore until you updated your GPU drivers. Unfortunately at the moment this utility works only with nVidia GPU drivers.
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerYes it's a common problem if you have limited amount of storage on your system disk. But there's a trick: you can use Windows paging file to reserve some space necessary to Oculus updates (usually it's 12 GB). You need to go to "This PC's" properties and hit "Advanced system settings". Then hit "Settings" button of "Performance" section and go to "Advanced" tab. Then hit "Change" button, select disk where you have your Oculus software installed and choose "Custom size" option. Set amount of space you want to reserve (12 GB) on both "Initial" and "Maximum size" and save the changes by hitting "OK". When Oculus update is out, open this again and select "No paging file". It will ask you to reboot PC and free reserved space so you could install the update. After updating Oculus software don't forget to repeat the first part of instruction to reserve a space for further updates and turn the swap file back on.
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerYes, you can install it to different disk if you launch the installer with argument drive=DISK_NAME, for example: OculusSetup.exe -drive=d.
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerYes, you can use Guardian Boundary Editor. It allows you to edit Guardian manually.
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerYes, actually there is a way to turn of your Oculus PC headset without plugging out the USB cables. The most simple way is executing two commands using command prompt with admin rights:
net stop "OVRService"
taskkill /f /im "vrmonitor.exe" /t
It will disable the service and software and also turn off the power on your headset while you don't use it. To make this happening by default you need to disable two services automatic startup, using administrator-priviledged command prompt's command sc config OVRService start= demand. But you need to turn the service on every time you use your headset. This is being made by executing these commands command prompt with admin rights:
net start "OVRService"
Start "" "C:\Program Files\Oculus\Support\oculus-client\OculusClient.exe"
If you have different set ups for different rooms, you might crate pseudo-profiles (using cmd's mklink /d command) and keep different set ups of Oculus sensors/Guardian for different sets of sensors
You can set up the quality of streaming to your quest headset in Oculus software settings by turning off Automatic settings and picking up the values manually. You can also use Oculus Debug Tools to reach some extended settings and monitor specs to make sure your hardware is able to work with the selected performance. We recommend these settings for the most middle-range systems: scale factor: 1.0х, frame rate 72-90 (depending on your hardware). Bitrate setting is very depending on your hardware: with value of 350-420 you should get a fine quality of image and it shouldn't cause sound or video issues, frame skipping etc. Encode image height value is recommended to set somewhere between 2736 and 3664 depending on your hardware. Distortion curvature value sat as High (and even Low) would add a bit of clarity, if your system is good enough to handle it. The last step would be picking up the render resolution (supersampling) that might be a bit different for every individual game. You just need to find a balance so you could get at least 72fps and some performance reserve 10-20%.
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerThis is a software problem, which happens very rarely. To fix this you need to open Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and set "UseSpud"=dword:00000000 in [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oculus]. After rebooting your computer problem should be gone.
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerYes, you need to use Oculus Monitor utility to get a debugging information from your touch controller.
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerIf we talk about Touch sticks, you are able to set up a dead zone for each axis usingOculus Touch Calibration Tool. If your issue is related to grip/trigger buttons or any other axis, you need to manually edit LTOUCH/RTOUCH files inе %AppData%/Local/Oculus/TouchCalibration folder. The task is to pick up values (Max/Mid/Min) for the axis you need. If you want to configure Grip you need to edit Middle(Max/Mid/Min)Range, if you need to configure Trigger, edit Trigger(Max/Min/Mid)Range. After any changes you have to restart Oculus service to apply changes. For example it is possible to fix even physical defects of Grip/Trigger and make it fully-functional again. Use Oculus Monitor to monitor how it currently works and check the corrections you made in the file. You can also find some useful information in this reddit
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerThere are two types of different problems with Oculus Rift CV1 audio: internal and external. External is more frequent and very easy to fix. You just need to use a screwdriver to tight the connection between earpiece and it's contact on the headset. When the contact goes weaker with time one of the ear pieces might stop working. More serious problem is internal damage of sound cable (usually it affects on right earpiece). To prevent this you need to fix the whole headset's right strap. You can use insulating tape to do it.
🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerYes, you need to use Revive utility, that will allow you to run Oculus software (including Oculus Home and Oculus Store) on headsets of other manufacturers. Unfortunately not every game supports Revive and you might have some performance issues on demanding games. 🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answer
You need to run these commands using SideQuest app:
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.width 1920
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.height 1080
adb shell setprop
You can also improve a recorded video's bitrate for some loss in performance:
debug.oculus.capture.bitrate 10000000
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.foveation.level 0
adb shell setprop debug.oculus.capture.fps 60
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🔗 Generate a link for sharing this answerA story-rich masterpiece with perfectly build to tell the wonderful story in fully immersive way, stunning combat scenes and great enviornments
A new blend of of interactive film and gameplay fragments with dynamic story and nice acting
Flawlessly crafted evolution of Superhot with totally different visual style and extended mechanics, wrapped in an interesting setting